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Shaming The Shamer

Short and sweet; shaming people for any reason is a form of emotional abuse. Shaming people to buy programs and products, or to sign up for coaching is not the luminary way of enrolling clients, or of enriching our tribes to step into their own power.  Never.    

Here is a post I shared in my Activate Your DNA Superpowers group earlier this year about a shaming situation I witnessed on Facebook.


It is hard to break the cycle of marketing shame without shaming the shamer, so my apologies in advance.   Shame is actually taught as a technique to get people to invest in themselves.  Of course no one is teaching the Shame Them To Death Marketing System, however in the end, that is exactly what is happening.

There is a better way.  It is time to step out of the shadow and fully into true wealth and abundance.

If you’ve had memorable enrollment experience with a coach, mentor, speaker, or other luminary that was either really great or really awful, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.  (No calling people out by name please.)   I’d love to hear how others feel about this.

It is time to step fully into abundance and truth.

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