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How to Create A Personal Philosophy

How to Create A Personal Philosophy so you can Love Your Business and Your Life!  

In a previous post I shared the difference between BEing more and DOing more. 

When you are BEING more, you naturally ATTRACT more opportunity for growth and expansion in both your business and in your life. 

Having a personal philosophy simply reminds you how you want to BE in any situation. 

Bruce Lee discovered a simple guiding philosophy for living in the statement, “Be like water.”  And from that one statement he created a 7 part CREED, or personal philosophy that helped guide him towards the success and growth he desired most and to remind him to “BE like water.” 

Imagine having a phrase, an idea, a GUIDING Philosophy that helps guide the energy behind every move you make in business and in life.

If you’d like to create your own Personal Philosophy statement, simply make a list of 3-7 points that help you align with your GUIDING Philosophy.   

For Example, my guiding philosophy for living is “EXPERIENCE GRACE” and if you have watched any one of my previous episodes, you have heard my 4 point personal philosophy to help me align with my guiding philosophy, if not, I’ll share it here. 

First:  BE Grateful. 

When I want to experience Grace in any area of life, I spend time being Grateful for all I currently have.  Gratitude multiplies the abundance that you already possess.  And for me personally gratitude moves me quickly into the state of experiencing grace.

Second:  Think BIG.

In this step, I align with GRACE and contemplate the idea that there is something even BIGGER and more expansive waiting for me beyond the limits of my current vision for growth. 

Third:   Take Inspired Action 

This piece of my personal philosophy reminds me to receive the grace I want to experience by stepping out in faith.  I constantly remind myself to take the inspired action and be willing to do the things that I’m inspired to do, knowing that Grace is with me every step of the way.   

Forth:  ENJOY the Journey

For me enjoying the journey is about making sure the details are managed (by me or someone else) so I have time to enjoy the overflow of abundance and grace that life brings me. 

Put it all together and my personal philosophy is:

“BE Grateful, Think BIG, Take INSPIRED Action, and ENJOY the Journey!”

As an Empire Builder and someone who is committed to not just doing more but being more, you are going to want to create your own personal philosophy for living that will guide you in business and in life.

To help you get started,  I’ve created a guide for you with Bruce Lee’s very own 7 part personal philosophy.  You can find it here.

So, WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY FOR LIVING?  Share it below and  If you liked this article, G+ it, or share it via your favorite social media site. 

Until next time,

Be GRATEFUL, THINK BIG, Take Inspired Action, and Enjoy the Journey! 

Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, and include the following byline:  Dawn R Nocera,  Success Mindset Mentor, mentors entrepreneurs in over 7 countries and in her central Ohio community to help them grow their current business mindset while leveraging their resources so they can have the time and energy to do the things they really want to in life. 

Article Source: http://wp.me/p3V96U-7O


A special note of gratitude to the newest members of this community who are actively sharing these mindset tips with their personal & professional communities.   Much love to you, and may you experience meaning and purpose in living truly abundant lives! 

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