7 Keys to Freedom book is being published in Bulgarian.
Launch date & celebration is Oct 26th, 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
I have such appreciation and gratitude for Victoria Lazarova, our Bulgarian co-author, for following her heart and inner guidance to get 7 Keys to Freedom translated and published in Bulgarian!
I love how books have a life of their own. You think you are birthing something great that will help a few hundred people and then the book starts to take on a life of it’s own and leads you down a path of self-reflection and self-discovery. It helps birth a whole new you. Before you know it your book is traveling around the world as a visitor, meeting new people, influencing lives, touching thousands of people in ways you never could have imagined.
Eventually it learns a new language or two and you feel a sense of pride, “Ah, our baby is all grown up!”
I’ve been in awe of the journey this book has taken from the first moment Nita Matthews-Morgan invited each of the authors to join her mastermind group. We were attending a 3 day Bob Proctor training program. Nita chose us after a long morning meditation where she was guided to know who to invite. We met weekly via skype for 3 years and still meet occasionally. Each of us joining in from a different part of the world. Bulgaria, Mexico, Canada, and 3 of us in the US (CA, GA, OH) Only 2 of us are in the same time zone!
I had been in mastermind groups as a facilitator and member for a while before joining this group and nothing was quite like this group. We actually practiced every principle we were writing about, we experienced what masterminding really is. Our minds were opened, our hearts were open, and we experienced Infinite Intelligence, the Divine Mind taking over and leading us every step of the way.
It wasn’t always easy letting go and letting God, however it was magical.