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5 Appreciation Friday

What I’m Appreciating

Here is a dose of “5-Appreciation Friday,” a brief-ish list of what I’m appreciating this week.


1.  What I’m appreciating about myself –
I am appreciating that I am diving into the work of self-appreciation around shame.  It’s one of my life lessons according to my good friend and hand analyst Pamelah Landers (who I deeply appreciate as a mentor and friend).    I appreciate that I can feel the shame around feeling stupid or unintelligent.  I appreciate myself for taking a risk and writing about it in a blog post this week.  Mostly I appreciate myself for seeing the wisdom in feeling the shame as opposed to numbing it out and acting as if it doesn’t exist.

2.  Quote I’m appreciating, once again – 

“What you resist, persists.” C. G.  Jung

3.  Activation I’m appreciating –
I’m appreciating the activation of Galactic Goddess Energy and the mindful awareness of what that energy feels like for me.  I’m appreciating that I am honoring the time it takes to translate the energy of the soul into words for my clients.  I am grateful that I receive a new activation with each new session.  I’m appreciating myself for doing my own inner work by deeply appreciating each activation as it becomes known to me.   I’m appreciating myself for practicing the Sacred-Art of Self-Appreciation with the Galactic Goddess Energy that was activated this week.  It is such a powerful energy to experience and it carries some deep wisdom about being both connected to everything and unattached all at the same time.   Oh, I love the work I do and the activations of the people who feel called to work with me.   View this week’s Activation I’m appreciating.


4.  Family I’m appreciating –
I’m appreciating myself that “I took my grandma shopping on Monday. She is 95. She gave me this picture. Yes, that is me in the middle. My grandma was 2 years older than I am now in this picture.  I love my grandparents. I wish my grandpa could have seen all of his great grandchildren. He would have loved them all!”  I’m also appreciating my social family that connected on Facebook.


5.   SASA Practice I’m appreciating –
Who wouldn’t appreciate how cute I am as a baby in the picture!  I appreciate knowing that I came into this world to activate both True Wealth and Honesty & Truth.  I’m appreciating myself as a baby, without anything that I need to do or say.   I’m appreciating myself for being born and for activating wealth and truth before I could even talk or walk.

If you want to connect to your activation code and your soul’s purpose,  consider scheduling an Activation Code Reading Session here.  

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