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Where You Can Practice Self-Appreciation

I’ve created something special just for you!

If you want to learn more about The Sacred Art of Self-Appreciation and practice posting what you appreciate about yourself (I suggest posting 30 days in a row), here is your opportunity.

I’ve been practicing The Sacred Art of Self-Appreciation for over a year and it is the most effective thing I do to support my Alignment and my Purpose in Life.

It is not easy to post what you really appreciate about yourself, however it is required for you to step into your next level calling in life.

Most of us are stuck in some form of self-abuse and self-judgment. We abuse ourselves by using work to avoid tough conversations with the people we love. The self-abuse comes from judgment of ourselves and judgment of others.  We abuse ourselves by using our family as an excuse NOT to live our life’s purpose (which is ultimately to be happy and share our flavor of happiness with the world around us through our work.)

There are a million ways we practice self-abuse and self-judgment without being conscious of it. Self-judgment can’t stand the light of self-appreciation. Self-appreciation activates alignment.

Self-Appreciation Activates our DNA (Divine Natural Alignment)

It doesn’t matter if you are a stay at home mom or a luminary leader, self-appreciation is no longer an option. I feel so strongly about this that I’ve shifted my entire coaching practice to support this one single focus, to share the work of self-appreciation first with luminaries and leaders and then with the world around me.

It is impossible to build an effortless & aligned Empire when you are judging yourself and your work.

It is impossible to live the life you were born to live when you are judging others, which is ultimately a mirror reflection of how you judge yourself.

It is impossible to be as abundant, healthy, or as in love as you want to be when you are judging yourself as unlovable, unable to change habits, or judging your ability to handle money.

Self-Appreciation is the bottom line.

SASA Facebook Page

That is why I created this Facebook Page where you can practice The Sacred Art of Self-Appreciation without apology.  It is as simple as posting what you appreciate about yourself right now.  Something so small as “I appreciate my sense of humor.” or “I appreciate myself for choosing to be a great parent!” or “I appreciate the way I see life.”

I’ll be starting a few small private groups in the coming months for those who want to go deeper and learn more about The Sacred Art of Self-Appreciation.  However this page is the place where you can go and experience transformational self-appreciation with other people as I let more and more people know about the page.

Since doing “the WORK” of Self-Appreciation, I’ve attracted nearly 50 luminaries to join me in a private group on Facebook where we post almost daily the different things we appreciate about ourselves.  We are breaking down old paradigms, we are shattering limiting beliefs, and most of all we are creating sacred space for our own transformation – the space to receive.

Artists are owning their artistry and selling paintings that they once viewed as a hobby.  Coaches are claiming their superpowers and helping their clients in ways they never thought was possible.  Personally, I am finally taking ownership of my calling and attracting global opportunities.  And I’m not the only one making a global impact.  Many of us are.

“The WORK” of self-appreciation is not about celebrating the wins or focusing on beating the competition.  “The WORK” of self-appreciation is about seeing your VALUE no matter what is going on around you, or in you. When you feel yucky, or just uncomfortable and you are not sure why you feel that way, that is the BEST time to practice self-appreciation.  These are the times that provide us the greatest opportunity to take ownership of our value by appreciating ourselves when we don’t feel very self-appreciating.

Posting about self-appreciation has nothing to do with seeking approval from others who are posting.  It has everything to do with you breaking the habit of living the life you think you SHOULD be living and LIVING the life you are designed to live.

So let me ask you, what do you appreciate about yourself?  What do you appreciate about your work? Take a risk and post it here.

You’ll learn a lot about yourself through paying attention to how you feel just before posting.  You’ll discover that your life lessons will show up in all their glory. Your hidden challenges will reveal themselves and that kind of self-awareness is priceless.

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