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I Am Happy To Be Me

“I Am Happy To Be Me” A simple spoken word poem by Dawn Nocera


I am the me I’ve always wanted to be.  I am happy to be me.

I may not be the me that you want me to be, but I AM happy to be me.

I may not be the me that my school, religion, or community want me to be, but I AM happy to be me.

I may not be the me that my husband wants me to be, but I am HAPPY to be me.

I’m not even the me that my children want me to be, and yet I’m still SO happy TO BE me.

I am not perfect. I have my faults. AND I am happy to be me.

You see, I am the me that I’ve always wanted to be; the me who is FINALLY…
Happy to be me, FREE to BE ME.

I am free to feel the highest highs and survive the lowest lows.

I am free to strive and succeed and free to take the hardest blows.

I am free to shine so brightly or go deep into the dark.

I am free to fail and struggle AND I am free to make MY mark.

I am free to be me.

I am happy to be the me that I’ve always wanted to be.”

Transparency.  I am a fan.

This is spoken word work, came to me as a piece of what I shared during a talk on Self-Appreciation was giving on August 18, 2019 at the Unity Church in Columbus Ohio.  It might have changed and shift a bit before then, but it is my truth.  It is that simple.  I really am happy to be me.

The work I’ve done through the Sacred Art of Self-Appreciation has been more than transformational.  It has been comforting and powerful all at the same time.  I am no longer afraid to speak my truth, or share my journey.  This has been an ongoing process of trusting Cosmic truth and trusting myself.  Not everyone feels called to do the work of Self-Appreciation, and that is fine with me.  I’ve found it is much easier to help those that are asking than it is to convince those that are not.  Either way, I am happy to be me.  I appreciate myself, and my willingness to allow my intuitive impulses to guide me and to connect with consciousness that is much greater than my own.

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