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3 Keys to Creating a Winning Business Mastermind

Q: What do the Wright Brothers, Susan B Anthony, Andrew Carnegie, and even Helen Keller have in common?

A: They all achieved historical success AND they each had a Mastermind!

According to Napoleon Hill, in his success classic, Think and Grow Rich, “A mastermind is when two or more people work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

A business mastermind is a force of nature, constantly moving you forward towards your goals and plans, towards your definite purpose whether it is to fly, speak, build empires, or change the course of history.

Do you have a definite purpose?

If so, a business mastermind group may be the answer you’ve been looking for!

Here is what you need to get started:

First, be clear on WHY you want to create a mastermind group.

What is your Definite Purpose for creating one? Do you want to increase your sales, discover a new stream of income within your current business, or start a new one with new people?

Second you want to be clear on what are you willing to give to support the mastermind group.

No one is willing to add value to a group for long unless they are receiving value. The best mastermind groups are formed when each member of the group shows up willing to give their all to the success of each individual member of the group. If you have specialized knowledge about something you should be willing to share it freely with your mastermind group.

Third, pick a date, time and location for your mastermind group. And stick to it!

Creating a business mastermind group is a commitment not to be taken lightly. When you show up knowing your purpose, willing to share, and committed to not only being in a mastermind group, but also to taking actions between meetings, you become part of a power far greater than yourself.

Until next time, Be grateful and APPRECIATE the work you do, THINK Big, Take Inspired Action
and Enjoy the journey!

Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, and include the following byline:
Dawn R Nocera,  Success Mindset Mentor, mentors entrepreneurs in over 7 countries and

in her central Ohio community to help them grow their current business profits while leveraging their time so they can have the time and energy to do the things they really want to in life.   Article Source: http://wp.me/p3V96U-8l

A special note of gratitude to the newest members of this community who are actively sharing these mindset tips with their personal & professional communities.   Much love to you, and may you experience meaning and purpose in living truly abundant lives! 

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