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3 Fears that Stop You From Winning in Business

Do you know the cause of success and failure in YOUR business?

Most entrepreneurs don’t realize that there are hidden fears keeping them from the success they want. Learn  to recognize these three fears when they arrive so you can take courageous action immediately.

Which of these fears keep you from winning in business?

1.  The Fear of Failure/Success 

The fear of failure and the fear of success have the same symptoms.  You know you suffer from either, if you start many projects and never seem to complete anything! You set goals and can’t seem to move yourself into action. Shift your focus from you and to the good you are providing the world through your product or service.  Complete the projects you start, and try focusing on growth instead of goals.

2.  The Fear of Poverty

Fear of poverty shows up when you work alone, you rarely seek outside help. You may feel like there just isn’t enough time, or money to go around.  Also you could feel like there is not enough of YOU to go around.   

Learning to practice abundance consciousness helps calm the fear of poverty.  Practice using affirmations.

“There is enough time to do all that needs to be done.”

“There is enough money to invest in things that will help my business grow.” And hire competent people to help you when you need it. 

Try these affirmation starters: I am enough to…,  I know enough to…, I attract enough to…. 

3.  The Fear of Criticism

And finally, the fear of criticism manifests as the inability to make a decision.   This is sometimes masked by the need to constantly bedoing something.  If this sounds like you, stop what you are doing. Then mindfully ask yourself, “What decision am I avoiding making right now?” 

Use the “5 Steps to Making Winning Decision” in a previous video and follow up with action!

Don’t let the fear of failure, poverty, or criticism stop you from winning in business or in life!

Watch the video version of “3 Fears that Stop You From Winning in Business” on my archive page 

Until then, be grateful, think BIG, Take Inspired Action, and Enjoy the Journey!

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Dawn R Nocera,  Success Mindset Mentor, mentors entrepreneurs in over 7 countries how to end frustration and overwhelm and exponentially grow their current businesses profits while leveraging their time so they can have the time and energy to do the things they really want to in life.
Article Source: http://wp.me/psef5-dm