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Think and Grow Rich Study eCourse For Women


Hidden Riches: Discovering the True Abundance within Think and Grow Rich –
A Book Study Course for Women

With weekly lessons and Napoleon Hill’s original Think and Grow Rich PDF download.  

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Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

“I’ve studied success principles and I have a strong drive to succeed, but nothing seems to work for me!”

“I feel like I’m working hard and doing the right things, and I’m still not making me any real money to speak of.”

“I feel burnt out from striving, force, hard work, and sacrifice.  And I’m looking for a gentler approach to business that honors who I am and helps me manifest my deepest potential.”  

What would you be able to overcome if you felt like you were on track to become abundantly rich?  How would you work knowing that you are using the right principles and are spending your time in the right activities?  What would a deep understanding of proven principles for lasting wealth mean to you?  What would it mean to your business?   Your family?

What if you had ongoing reminders to help you create habits of thought that resonated with your manifested desires?

Would having the hidden secrets behind these principles delivered to you weekly be of value to you?

If so, enroll now and activate the hidden secrets of thought that work wonders for women!

We’ll Cover:

  • Why most people fail to get past Chapter 1 in applying the principles of success.
  • Timeless leadership principles that are still being used today
  • The powerful and supportive tool of masterminding and the many ways women mastermind.
  • The 3 words in Think and Grow Rich that cause the most resistance for women, and 3 resistance free words that support us.
  • The supper secret power hidden in Chapter 11, that no one wants to talk about.
  • Why the most intuitive women are not always the most successful, and how you can use your intuition for your highest good.
  • The super power of imagination and it’s hidden secrets.
  • The most effective way to read Think and Grow Rich to support your ongoing success.
  • The one thing Napoleon Hill didn’t write about in Think and Grow Rich, that can help you succeed wildly.
  • How to easily make decisions that support your sustainable success.

Delivered At Your Own Pace

As a transformational leader, I know you like to take in content at your own pace.  You’ll receive a new lesson each week and be able to listen to them when you want. Evolving your consciousness on demand. 

Perfect for Coaches, Mentors, and Transformational Leaders (And Great for Small Business Owners Too!)

Coaches training and leadership programs can be expensive and time consuming and are often times taught by “serious” people who believe that success and failure are black and white and they have little understanding of intuition (The 6th Sense) or the factors that activate lasting wealth for women.   In this course, you can learn from someone who enjoys going deep into the consciousness of success, has been studying Napoleon Hill for 20 years,  and loves to bring the hidden truths to light so the principles of success can be easily applied in your life right away.  And you’ll learn at your pace and timing.

This Is Not About “Getting Rich Quick” or “Hard Work”

If you’re looking for “a magic pill to getting rich” you’ve got the wrong gal.  Although Napoleon Hill was being mentored by the richest man in the world at the time, it took him over 20 years to successfully share this information with others and it took him another 20 years before he was able to sustain the riches he received.  You and I will be learning about the mental, emotional, and spiritual work required to make real and lasting internal change that affects your external landscape.   If you are looking to get something for nothing, then studying Napoleon Hill is not for you.  However if you want to learn proven success principles and you want to discover hidden truths then I invite you to join me now.

You’ll Get

*  Free pdf download of the original version of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich

*  Access to recordings of coaching & conversation calls.

*  Monthly calls to share ideas, a-has, and questions with other course members.

*   Email lessons and access to the complete video coaching vault.


Yes, I want to discover the hidden riches within Think and Grow Rich that I can use to grow in abundance in my life!


Not quite sure…

Haven’t read Think & Grow Rich yet?

No problem!  I have a special offer to help you get started… slow and easy.

Persistence is the key.  Never give up on yourself.  Never stop believing that you can live abundantly.