+ 323-503-4769

Located in Santa Clara, CA

T-Th: 9:00 - 15:30

Schedule An Appointment

Activation Code Reading Mini Session


*  Learn How You are Coded to Activate Alignment in Your Clients and Friends

*  Uncover Your Soul’s Purpose:  Your Activation Code

*  Connect with your path of least resistance


In this 30 minute mini session you will discover just how special you really are and you will discover your current purpose and how it serves the higher good of the people with whom you come in contact.

Dawn has a unique ability to tap into the soul of your DNA and uncover the different ways you activate DNA (Divine Natural Alignment) in others.

Visit TheActivationCode.com to read about receiving a full activation code session that comes with a printed summary and activation code certificate.

SKU: DNA103 Category:


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If you wish to be notified of unplanned schedule openings, check Dawn’s Twitter feed.   

Sessions are scheduled after payment is made, dependent upon Dawn’s schedule.

If you wish to make payment or scheduling arrangements please make a contact request via my website here.

Please see terms and conditions[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


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