+ 323-503-4769

Located in Santa Clara, CA

T-Th: 9:00 - 15:30

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Thank You For Visiting The Site

This website is owned and operated by DNA International Coaching an Ohio business.

This policy pertains to the following sites and domains:

Data Protection Privacy Statement

Your privacy is important to us. Access to your personal data is subject to strict security controls and we will not and do not share it with third parties.

Definition of Service

DNA International Coaching and Dawn Nocera Coaching  are coaching & teaching services for individuals and businesses, providing coaching services, tools, and training both online and off-line to help clients succeed in life and in in business.  We also refer visitors and users to additional relevant sources of information or advice.

General Data: Just Visiting?

When you visit a website, various types of information can be collected.  DNAIC.co and DawnNocera.com uses third party cookies to help us discover where our visitors are located and to give us general information about who is visiting our sites.     We no longer store visitor data on our servers.  Some of the information we can discover via a third party is as follows:  the date and time of visit, and the number of pages that were viewed while here. We also can see the  links that were used to get here and the type of Internet browser you use.  We do not store visitor information.  It is managed and stored by third parties.   No personal data is collected by DNA International Coaching or Dawn Nocera.com without your implicit content.

This information is used to measure the number of visitors to different sections of our site, and to help us develop the site and our coaching programs to make them more useful and relevant to our clients and site visitors.

An example of what we do with this information would be redesigning pages or deleting pages based one how many visitors it receives compared to others.  We look for pages that might get more traffic and design additional pages of a similar nature to attract more traffic.

Identification Data: Participating & Engaging:

There are several surveys or contact forms on this site.  The purpose of these surveys and contact forms are:

Your personal data is collected and further evaluated only to the extent necessary to give you an answer: name, last name, contact details (e-mail address; telephone number if a call back is required, address).

This data is collected and stored on our secure servers and is used for the purpose of doing business.  The information we have about our site participants is used to help our site participants better use our site and helps us better serve our participants.

How do we protect and safeguard your information?

We keep all of your data safe through secure firewalls.

Personal Data Protection

To protect your data we do not share the specific data collected about you unless it is requested through proper legal channels.  This protects

Where appropriate, your inquiry will be directed to someone on our team who should be able to answer it.

Accessing Your Personal Data:

The Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act of 1974 provide you certain rights to get information about you that is stored on our site, or any other information collecting site or agent.

To protect your data we do not share the specific data collected about you unless it is requested through proper legal channels.  This is the best way we know of to protect your data.  .

Who has access to your information / who is it disclosed to?

DNAIC.com keeps your personnal data on our local machines.  It is shared only with the individual coaching staff and trainers for which you’ve signed up to work with.

No personal data is shared with third parties.

How long is your data kept?

All personal data received and stored by DNAIC.co  is kept indefinitely, until lost by a system update or a request for removal is made by the individual.

Subscription to the mailing lists

DawnNocera.com’s mailing list service allows you to receive information and news from Dawn Nocera and DNA International Coaching.

After clicking the optional checkbox “I authorize DNA International Coaching to add my e-mail to the direct mailing list” available on each contact from, your personal data will be added to DNAIC’s mailing lists managed by Aweber.com, our third party email service,

You can modify your data at any time via Aweber.   You can:
• change your identification data at any time (your e-mail or name)
• change your personal data
• change your subscription
or completely unregister from the system.

Your data is available to DNA International’s team member in charge of client communication and is kept in our mailing list database until you cancel the subscription.

The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

This policy went into effect on April 21, 2000.  It provides safeguards to protect children’s privacy on the Internet by regulating the collection of personal information from children under the age of 13.  This website it not intended for the use of children under the age of 13.  If you are under the age of 13, please provide a written consent from a parent or legal guardian before viewing this site further.


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