There is a new luminary in the world today and it’s you.

You have deep wisdom to share.  Your spiritual journey matters and you are transforming the world with your very presence, and because of it you can be a luminary on the leading edge where you’re getting paid to share your wisdom and activate more and more people.  You are helping activate the entire planet.  You are traveling the world and spending time doing what you love with the people you love.   You are growing this beautiful soul friendly business and continue to expand and explore who you are as a leading edge luminary.  

This is for you.

Are You An Emerging Luminary Leader, Coach, or Messenger?

You are in the right place!

Everyone has their own genius, a unique combination of their gifts, that is designed to serve others in a way that only they can do.  Some people are born knowing they have something unique to them that they are here to offer the world, and others have no idea just how valuable they are to the world.

YOU however know you have a unique genius, a light that only you can provide the world and you want to embody and own as much higher power and light as possible to fulfill your soul’s destiny or calling.

The thing you crave the most is a community of other conscious luminary leaders who are committed to being the light, fulfilling their life purpose and answering their higher calling above all else. You want to be surrounded by leaders who are doing the deep inner work necessary to create lasting change in the world.  And at the same time you are looking for a mentor whose genius is helping you interpret the language your soul, your higher self, is speaking to you, so you can step into and mastering your luminary genius while expanding your ability to receive in ALL areas of life.

I help you create & hold the space within you to easily and effortlessly emerge into your divine design and receive far more powerfully than you know.

Here is what I appreciate about you as a Luminary:

1.  You are a spiritual black-belt in self-awareness.

I appreciate the journey you have traveled to arrive at a place where you understand there is nothing broken about you and nothing needs fixed.  At the same time you understand that deeper awareness about yourself is the key to answering your higher calling.

2.  You are not afraid of self-reflection and you love finding opportunities for your own personal expansion.

I appreciate your love for self-knowledge and self-exploration and that you enjoy going deeper in the question, “Who am I?” I appreciate the amount of strength it takes to be in the questions without always having a clear answer.  I also appreciate your spiritual understanding that “I am that, I am.”

I appreciate that you see your response to your outside world as a reflection of what is going on inside of you. I honor that you are responsible for yourself and no longer blame others for any part of your life, but you see the deep value in experiences for making you who you are today.

3.  You recognize or are learning to recognize when you feel ‘pinched off’ from the effortless flow of abundance and you ask for help before you need it.

I appreciate the ongoing inner work you do to be at peace with and release any low vibrational emotions that no longer serve you in answering your higher calling.   You love knowing there is a much easier way to do things.   I appreciate that you look to me and my luminary coaching communities for help in making your journey much easier than it is on your own.

4.  You live and breathe your flavor of spirituality into every part of your life.

I appreciate your desire to think, feel, and act in alignment with the divine source of all creation. I appreciate your struggles as they are showing you exactly what wants to emerge from within.   I appreciate your LOVE of the Divine energy that flows through you.

5.  You are not afraid to face your dragons.

I appreciate that you are not afraid to witness your emotions and you are learning to feel them completely in the moment and transmute them into higher and higher vibrational states of being.

I appreciate that you authentically face your shadow, your invisible fences, and you are learning to be masterfully compassionate with yourself and others without loosing your personal power to other people’s challenges.

6.  You are sharing your own amazing work and building your own tribe.

I appreciate the journey it has taken for you to step into owning their gifts and your genius and being a light for others.   I appreciate the work you do with your clients and with your tribe. I appreciate the ripple effect your work has on the world.

I appreciate the activations you allow to flow to you and through you. I appreciate the path you choose and the work you choose.

I appreciate that you are driven not by what you think you ‘should’ do but what you are here on earth to do.

I deeply appreciate that you care about putting your highest energy into your work and you recognize your work is a spiritual practice.

7.  You choose creativity over competition and you support each other as luminaries, as leaders, as individual expressions of the divine.

I appreciate that you know deep in your heart that witnessing and appreciating the success of others, frees you to create more space to receive your own flavor of success.

I appreciate that you think it is just as fun to work with me as I think it is to work with you. And I appreciate the fun we have together doesn’t take away or diminish the work we do together.

I appreciate that you understand that you are the creator and the designer of the story of your life and take full responsibility for your own success and see me as a character who is playing my role in the story of your life.

8.  You VALUE an intuitive and often times channeled approach to coaching.

I appreciate that you check-in with your intuition before working with me,  I appreciate that you refuse to join any of my coaching or mastermind groups out of fear.   I appreciate that you let the inspiration sink in and you make your decisions from a grounded and centered place within yourself.   And I appreciate that you come to me for help if you do feel stuck making a decision to join one of my programs.   You value the real connection you feel you have with me.

I appreciate the inner work and experiences that you have already gone through before working with me.   I appreciate that you appreciate me and GET the power and transformation that the Sacred Art of Self-Appreciation provides you.

I appreciate that you are aligned with the work of self-appreciation and with me before you start working with me.  I appreciate that you take time to line up with what you really want so you can clearly see that working with me is a natural next step for you.

I deeply appreciate you and the work you do in the world!