+ 323-508-4769

Located in Santa Clara, CA

T-Th: 9:00 - 15:30

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The Next 30 Day Self-Appreciation Intensive Starts on November 17, 2018 for those who are asking to experience deeper layers of self-appreciation and self-awareness.    

Each day, you’ll post something you appreciate about yourself within a private Facebook group.    To help you, I’ll start each day with a new self-appreciation topic within the Facebook group.

There is only one rule:  Appreciate Yourself!

Abraham says, “Appreciation and love are the same vibration.”

Most people’s appreciation is still focused outward and away from themselves.  This keeps our point of attraction ‘out there,’  when we really want to become the point of attraction in our lives.   Most of us haven’t been guided on how to become this powerful attractive force in our own lives, we’ve been told to ‘be grateful for what you have,’ ‘be polite,’ ‘don’t brag,’ don’t let others know how awesome you are because ‘we don’t want them to feel bad.’   Doing the work of self-appreciation (posting, being seen and witnessed) helps us reclaim energy that we unconsciously give away as we help others.    As we love and appreciate ourselves more consciously, it creates a powerful space for others to do the same.

“What has shifted for me with doing the self-appreciation daily postings is gaining more confidence in sharing myself with others without apology or diminishment.” Pamelah Landers, Luminary Relationship Expert

Everyone will receive something very different from doing the work and posting what you appreciate about yourself. I’m always amazed at how varied the rewards of self-appreciation are.  There is no way I can predict or foretell what you will personally receive from joining the group and doing the work together as a community.  I can tell you this, if you honestly do the work and post something you appreciate about yourself every day for 30 days, you’ll begin to see who you really are.  You can’t hide from your Higher Self when you do the work of Self-Appreciation.

Can I Get A Witness?!
The REAL Work of Self-Appreciation Is Done In Community 

There is magic in witnessing others as they appreciate themselves and being witnessed as you appreciate yourself.

“It is not all rainbows and unicorns,” as Dena Crowder has said about doing the work of self-appreciation.

It will raise your vibration, however it can be intense work.   Appreciate every feeling that comes up as you move through the 30 days.

While there are no “rules” on how to appreciate yourself, however when you register you’ll receive some guidelines to help you focus on authentic self-appreciation.

We start on October 10th and post through November 8th.  I look forward to doing the work of self-appreciation with you!

“Doing the work of Self-Appreciation has helped me get into the habit of being ME!  That is huge!.”


The Sacred Art of Self-Appreciation is so much more than self-care, or what most people believe it is.  The Sacred Art of Self-Appreciation is the work we do when we want to get to know ourselves at the deepest layers of our being.


Choosing to appreciate yourself is a powerful choice.  DoIng it for 30 day consecutively contains the possibility for deep and lasting transformation.


Imagine being a part of a community of people just like you who are doing the work of self-appreciation and posting daily what you appreciate about yourself together.

30 Prompts

This is what makes the work of self-appreciation so powerful.  You begin to shift from being fueled by the outside world to being fueled by your Higher Self and your Soul’s intention for you.


Imagine being a part of a community of people just like you who are doing the work of self-appreciation and posting daily what you appreciate about yourself together – without judgment.


Doing the work of self-appreciation and posting daily, you will begin to break chains of shame that keep you from deeply appreciating yourself and the gift you are to the world.

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