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Do You Hate Marketing?

Here are 5 Steps to Help Your Business Grow Naturally so You Can Grow to Love Marketing It!

Step 1:  Start with YOU

Are you using your natural gifts and talents to grow your business?  If your business isn’t growing, chances are you have written yourself out of your business.  Put your heart back into it by using your natural gifts and by doing more of what you love and less of what you can delegate.

Step 2:  Know Your Customers &  Show them you care.

When you are connecting with your customers authentically you listen to their needs and you love to provide products, services & communications that show them you care!

Step 3:  Know your numbers

Your numbers don’t lie.  They are an exact match to your mindset.  If you have a winning mindset and you love what you do, it will show in your bottom line.  Track everything!

Step 4: Leverage Your Time

Seek partnerships that are in alignment with your business, have similar values, and that have similar clients.  You create winning leverage when your business is a natural expression of you!

Step 5:  Recycle and reuse everything.

If you are out of ideas on what to do to grow your business, take a look at what worked for you in the past and re-purpose it for a new audience, a new program, or even a new business.  Just like I re-purposed my video that you can view at ColumbusBizTVShow.comfor this blog post, you can re-purpose the successful aspects of your business in new ways.

Your business is meant to be a natural expression of who you are and what you believe in.  When your business is aligned with who you really are, marketing it becomes second nature!

To learn about my next mastermind group for people who are trying to overcome frustration and overwhelm so they can leverage their time, and resources while generating more profits, visit EmpireBuildingEvent.com

Watch “5 Steps to Building a Business You’ll Love to Market!” on my archieve page at ColumbusBiz TV and my bi-monthly show: “Your Winning Mindset” where you’ll discover more Winning Mindset tips

Until then, BE grateful, think BIG, Take INSPIRED Action, and ENJOY the Journey!